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靠谱熊的每周分享 第1期




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2020 年 2 月 28 日


Regulation of Rice Tillering by RNA-directed DNA Methylation at Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Elements

Molecular Plant 2020 February 19

Tillering is a major determinant of rice plant architecture and grain yield. Here we report that depletion of rice OsNRPD1a and OsNRPD1b, two orthologues of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase IV, leads to a high-tillering phenotype, in addition to dwarfism and smaller panicles. OsNRPD1a and OsNRPD1b are required for the production of **24-nt siRNAs **that direct DNA methylation at transposable elements (TEs) including Miniature Inverted-repeat TEs (MITEs). Interestingly, many genes are regulated either positively or negatively by TE methylation. Among them, OsMIR156d and OsMIR156j, which promote rice tillering, are repressed by CHH methylation at two MITEs in the promoters. By contrast, D14, which suppresses rice tillering, is activated by CHH methylation at a MITE in its downstream. Our findings reveal control of rice tillering by RdDM at MITEs and provide potential targets for agronomic trait enhancement by epigenome editing.

水稻分蘖是水稻结构和产量的主要决定因素。这篇文章揭示了 RNA 介导的 DNA 甲基化(RdDM)在 MITE 这个类型的转座子上可以分别正向和负向调节 D14 和 OsMIR156 家族成员,从而促进水稻分蘖的调节。

Robustness and applicability of transcription factor and pathway analysis tools on single-cell RNA-seq data

Genome Biology 2020 February 12, 21 (1): 36

BACKGROUND: Many functional analysis tools have been developed to extract functional and mechanistic insight from bulk transcriptome data. With the advent of single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq), it is in principle possible to do such an analysis for single cells. However, scRNA-seq data has characteristics such as drop-out events and low library sizes. It is thus not clear if functional TF and pathway analysis tools established for bulk sequencing can be applied to scRNA-seq in a meaningful way.
RESULTS: To address this question, we perform benchmark studies on simulated and real scRNA-seq data. We include the bulk-RNA tools PROGENy, GO enrichment, and DoRothEA that estimate pathway and transcription factor (TF) activities, respectively, and compare them against the tools SCENIC/AUCell and metaVIPER, designed for scRNA-seq. For the in silico study, we simulate single cells from TF/pathway perturbation bulk RNA-seq experiments. We complement the simulated data with real scRNA-seq data upon CRISPR-mediated knock-out. Our benchmarks on simulated and real data reveal comparable performance to the original bulk data. Additionally, we show that the TF and pathway activities preserve cell type-specific variability by analyzing a mixture sample sequenced with 13 scRNA-seq protocols. We also provide the benchmark data for further use by the community.**


MUM&Co: Accurate detection of all SV types through whole genome alignment

Bioinformatics 2020 February 25

SUMMARY: MUM&Co is a single bash script to detect Structural Variations (SVs) utilizing Whole Genome Alignment (WGA). Using MUMmer's nucmer alignment, MUM&Co can detect insertions, deletions, tandem duplications, inversions and translocations greater than 50bp. Its versatility depends upon the WGA and therefore benefits from contiguous de-novo assemblies generated by 3rd generation sequencing technologies. Benchmarked against 5 WGA SV-calling tools, MUM&Co outperforms all tools on simulated SVs in yeast, plant and human genomes and performs similarly in two real human datasets. Additionally, MUM&Co is particularly unique in its ability to find inversions in both simulated and real datasets. Lastly, MUM&Co's primary output is an intuitive tabulated file containing a list of SVs with only necessary genomic details.
AVAILABILITY: https://github.com/SAMtoBAM/MUMandCo

借助  MUMmer 写的一个一千多行的 shell 脚本,用来分析各种 SV,测试了不同物种的分析效果,发到了 bioinformatics。

Small RNAs in the Transgenerational Inheritance of Epigenetic Information

Published:January 14, 2020

  • DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tig.2019.12.001

In recent years it has become evident that RNA interference-related mechanisms can mediate the deposition and transgenerational inheritance of specific chromatin modifications in a truly epigenetic fashion. Rapid progress has been made in identifying the RNAi effector proteins and how they work together to confer long-lasting epigenetic responses, and initial studies hint at potential physiological relevance of such regulation. In this review, we highlight mechanistic studies in model organisms that advance our understanding of how small RNAs trigger long-lasting epigenetic changes in gene expression and we discuss observations that lend support for the idea that small RNAs might participate in mechanisms that trigger epigenetic gene expression changes in response to environmental cues and the effects these could have on population adaptation.

这篇综述介绍了 smRNA 和表观的关系,推荐大家了解一下。


*Genome Research *最近发表了一篇 Resource 文章,FANTOM 利用他们已有的数据对人的 lncRNA 数据进行了一次新的综合定量分析。
长链非编码 RNA (lncRNAs) 已经成为生物和细胞过程的关键调控子,在细胞和组织中表征 lncRNA 的表达是理解它们作用的关键。研究者们推出的 FC-R2 是一个转录组相关的综合表达图谱,包括了超过 109,000 个编码和非编码基因。
该图谱极大地扩展了已有的基因注释。我们通过从已发表的大型研究中复制关键发现,并通过在正常和患病的人类样本中产生新的结果,证明了 FC-R2 图谱的实用性。

  • 确定不同类型编码和非编码基因的组织特异性转录谱
  • 在 13 种癌症类型中进行差异表达分析, 识别潜在参与肿瘤发病和进展的新的非编码基因
  • 确认癌症中几种增强子 lncRNAs 表达的预后价值




英文原文:This is How You Can Learn All Programming Languages, Yes - “all”

一个普通 985 研究生的求职全纪录

我也不是很差劲吧,985 研究生,成绩前 5%,发过论文,拿过国奖,怎么找工作就比不上别人?




如何使用 R 制作 PPT

前天收到了教育中心负责老师的微信,她说我之前作为助教带的一些学生这两年也陆续在当助教,这一届的助教有人推荐了我当时上第一节课的时候使用的 PPT,问我能不能贡献出来给他们参考一下。这就想起了当时用 R 做 PPT 的经历。这几天又看到了一个不错的介绍

地址  https://arm.rbind.io/slides/xaringan.html


北京时间 2 月 25 日凌晨,科比-布莱恩特追思会“生命的礼赞”在斯台普斯中心举行。科比遗孀瓦妮莎首次公开亮相,发表了感人至深的演讲,纪念科比以及两人的女儿吉安娜。迈克尔-乔丹全程流泪演讲,沙奎尔-奥尼尔等也都演讲致敬、怀念科比。
这次推荐两个视频,一个是乔丹此次的演讲,一个是 Jimmy Kimmel 特别节目追忆科比,科比曾经 15 次录制过这个节目。


Jimmy Kimmel 特别节目追忆科比


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转录组分析中,常常把上调表达基因和下调表达基因分别进行 GO 分析和 Pathway 富集分析,为什么不是放在一起进行 GO 和 Pathway 分析呢?上调下调的不同基因可能是同一种功能或者同一个通路的,整体分析不是能更全面的找出真正差异的功能或者通路了吗


这个问题很有意思,首先要不要把差异基因上调和下调分别进行 GO 和 Pathway 分析本身是没有定论的,上调下调不同基因当然可能是同一种功能或者同一个通路的。如果 KEGG 的一个通路里本身有抑制性的基因也有促进性的基因,那么使用所有表达差异基因去分析就是合理的。

但是 2013 年曾经有一篇文章专门研究了这个问题,他们使用了 5 种肿瘤的芯片和转录组数据集进行了分析,研究的结果是具有相关功能的基因在表达水平上往往是正相关的,这也就导致特定通路上某一类基因的比例是失衡的,不恰当的具体例子可以理解为一个通路上 100 个基因,可能有 80 个都是在一种处理中上调表达,而只有 20 个是下调表达的。

Hong G, Zhang W, Li H, Shen X, Guo Z. Separate enrichment analysis of pathways for up- and downregulated genes. J R Soc Interface. 2013;11(92):20130950. Published 2013 Dec 18. doi:10.1098/rsif.2013.0950

这种不平衡导致如果使用全部差异基因进行富集分析的统计学检验时会显著降低统计检验效力,在他们检测的 5 种肿瘤数据中,对上调和下调的基因进行单独分析可以确定与表型差异真正相关的更多通路。

这里就出现了一个富集分析的缺点,所谓上调基因和下调基因是不同处理下的相对表达量而言的,但是仅凭 KEGG 里的「富集」就把上调理解为对通路的激活,把下调理解为对通路的抑制是不合适的。

此外,富集分析通常用的都是 Fisher 精确检验或超几何检验来验证相关基因在背景中的比例是不是足够多,这里怎么定义上下调的倍数本身也存在很多争议,也就是为什么要引入某种程度上更有意义的 GSEA 分析。


Warden C D, Kanaya N, Chen S, et al. BD-Func: a streamlined algorithm for predicting activation and inhibition of pathways[J]. PeerJ, 2013, 1: e159.

Malathi S.I Dona, Luke A Prendergast, Suresh Mathivanan, Shivakumar Keerthikumar, Agus Salim, Powerful differential expression analysis incorporating network topology for next-generation sequencing data, Bioinformatics, Volume 33, Issue 10, 15 May 2017, Pages 1505–1513, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btw833

RNA 和蛋白质的关系

有没可能 mrna 没有高表达,但是蛋白高表达。即使发生了也没法解释吧?


mRNA 和对应蛋白质的关系比较复杂,比如转录后修饰和 miRNA 起作用等等,这个推荐一篇研究二者关系的文献,16 年发表在 cell 上

Liu Y, Beyer A, Aebersold R. On the Dependency of Cellular Protein Levels on mRNA Abundance. Cell. 2016;165(3):535–550. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2016.03.014






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